Thursday, July 8, 2010

One week left

Tomorrow is 1 week prior to the dreaded surgery! I hate surgery! I hate the idea of making my happy baby so miserable! I hate that she is going to be outta it for a couple of days and then so limited for 2 weeks. She is eatin table food every day. How do I tell her she can't eat that? I don't even know if I'll put her in her highchair. Seriously, what's the point?!?! She will just be mad that I can't give her anything more than a sippy cup with liquids in it. This just sucks to say the least.

On a positive note, the kids are playing soccer again. This is Madison's first year. She likes it thus far! Owen loves soccer. Tonight was their first game. We unfortantly missed the real first game so it seemed they were a little outta sorts today. I'm really hoping Tuesday will be a better and cooler day.


Mommy2Four said...

Yes, we used the no-no's for the who two weeks. It wasn't easy.....she's not real fond of them!

I think because Sierra's cleft was so large, it was really hard for her to eat solids. When we would try baby food, she would choke badly half the time. One big thing I learned though during her palate surgery, I was told from a 20 some year old woman who had her palate repaired as an adult. She said that both cold and hot felt bad on a newly repaired palate. Room temperature was the only thing that really was tolerable. Unrefrigerated Vanilla Milkshake flavored Ensure was my godsend during those two weeks!

We'll be thinking of you guys!